The Fapim Museum holds over 40 years of Made in Italy history and inventiveness in the sector of accessories for doors and windows through prototypes, projects, curiosities and testimonies of the life of the community that has allowed to the Tuscan company to become a world leader in the sector.

It was founded in 2014 to celebrate 40 years of activity and bears witness to the history of a company with original and often unique documents. from the intuition of three enterprising young people, who as a craftsman and pioneer knew how to grow without ever losing their identity.

The headquarters of the Fapim Museum with its 600 m2 exhibition space. it is located inside one of the Fapim production plants, in Altopascio and is a multifunctional space that during the year hosts art exhibitions, events, creative workshops for children and educational itineraries.

Designed as an industrial warehouse, with yellow lines and aluminum crossings and containers as exhibitors, it includes over a thousand objects including projects, prototypes, technical drawings, work overalls, photographs, evocative images of politics, sport and culture from 1974 to today . It is a “museum of people” as well as Fapim objects and projects.

The Fapim Museum catalog, published in 2016, is placed precisely in the spirit of “work in progress” that characterizes the entire project.

Fapim Museum is located at Fapim’s Spianate production plant, via Chimenti 32, Altopascio, Lucca.Visits by appointment.
Contacts:; 0583-2601.

Via Chimenti, 3255011 Loc. Spianate, Altopascio (LU)
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