Thanks to University professors research Silvio de Majo and Francesca Caiazzo, it was possible to publish the book”One Family, One pastafactory: 200 years of maccaroni Cuomo in Gragnano and to realize Pasta Cuomo’s Museum. The interactive Pasta Cuomo’s Museum perfectly combine the past, the present and the future in hystorical, sensorial, virtual and theaching area that offers to the visitors an unforgettable cultural and food experience.
The Museum is based in the area in which one time there was the old CUOMO PASTA FACTORY (FABBRICA DI PASTE ALIMENTARI CUOMO) in the famous Via Roma in Gragnano and rapresents an heritage historycal, architectonical and cultural. There, it’s possible to see: semolina drain funnells, spaces for ventilation, presses, scales, historycal documents, wood cases to bring pasta and the old roller mill and steam pasta factory in the building with vertical developement.
The museum is divided in 5 functional areas: the first is the “historical” with the exposition of machines and company documents; the second dedicated to “Made in Italy” and cooking classes; the third is the emotional, with the sensorial combinantion of projections, sounds and flavors that remember the pasta; the fourth is the virtual, represented by the 3D film visible by Oculus of the old pasta factory and the old mill in which the history is told from the family avatar “Nicolino Cuomo”; the fifth area is dedicated to taste where is possible eat pasta with its delicious sauces.
The Museum can also be visited online through the App DISCOVER PASTA CUOMO available for free on Playstore and Applestore, which will anticipate the exciting journey in this fascinating Italian reality.