Founded in 1850 to collect deposits from Italian savers and to finance the country’s infrastructures, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti’s history is deeply linked to the economic and social development of Italy.

Over the years, the Group has collected evidence of this growth in an extraordinary cultural heritage consisting of works of art, photographs, films, historical volumes and paper documents, postal vouchers and booklets.

Since 2019, CDP has activated a reorganization, recovery, digitization and enhancement program of its artistic and archival collections to promote the country’s industrial culture.

The same year, CDP company museum was created in the heart of the historic headquarters based in Rome, via Goito. The exhibition collects the works of art created between the 1950’s and 1970’s for “Civiltà delle Macchine”, an avant-garde magazine which summarizes the enlightened and universal thinking of scientists, intellectuals and artists. The industry was investigated in its most human and innovative side through the eyes of great masters, invited to reflect on the relationship between art and industry and their incisive impact on society.

* Pieces of art shown in the gallery belong to the Collections of CDP Group – Fintecna S.p.A. and CDP Immobiliare.

Via Goito, 4 - 00185 Roma
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